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Wednesday, April 20, 2011

My great idea!

I've been thinking a lot about how to afford a fence for Willow so she can have a backyard at her new home.  Obviously, that's one of the major benefits of owning your property.  However, with the huge expenses of house building, I was worried that Willow would end up with a teeny little yard because we'd only be able to afford 20 feet of fence!

Until I had my great idea:

What is made of wood, roughly 4 feet in length, and easy to get for free because most companies have to pay for disposal?

Wooden pallets!!  A surprising number of people have beat me to this great idea, which means I have lots of examples to model my fence after.  Willow will be happy that the size of her yard will only be limited by our energy to dig post holes!

1 comment:

  1. I am almost done pallet-fencing my half acre and it has turned out very nicely.


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